u s e r ` s g u i d e
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f e a t u r e s
• High resolution digital thermal imaging
• Compact, light weight and durable housing
• Head/helmet mountable for hands free usage
• High Quality optics
• Video and computer output
• Video/Image polarity selection
• Waterproof
Objective Focal Length ........................................25 mm
FOV......................................................................11° x 8°
Focus Range........................................................from 1m to infinity
Focus Adjustment ................................................Manual
Exit Pupil ..............................................................14mm
Eye Relief.............................................................25mm
Detector Type .......................................................Uncooled Microbolometer
Spectral Response...............................................7-14 μm
Pixels....................................................................160 x 120
Pixel Size..............................................................30 x 30 μm
Angular Resolution, mrad ....................................1,2
Thermal Sensitivity ..............................................< 0,1°C
Range to Detect a Human ....................................475 m
Output Format......................................................Analog PAL / NTSC
Display .................................................................OLED matrix
Display Format.....................................................SVGA, 852 x 600 pxl
Digital ZOOM .......................................................Fixed 2x (optional 5x)
Brightness Adjustment.........................................Manual
Contrast Adjustment ............................................Automatic
Available User Interfaces .....................................From outside PC through USB interface
Power Supply .......................................................2 x 3V, 123Atype
Start-Up Time.......................................................< 3 sec
Operating Time w/one battery pack.....................4 hrs
External Power Supply.........................................DC 6V, 500 mA
Operating Temperature Range ............................from -20°C to +50°C
Waterproof ...........................................................Yes, up to 10m submersion
Dimensions ..........................................................118 x 78 x 54 mm
Weight (w/batteries).............................................0,34 kg
* ATN reserves the right to change the above specifications at any time without notice
a p p l ic a t io n
The OTIS-14 is a thermal system intended for law enforcement, military and commercial uses. It is built
around state of the art uncooled thermal imaging technology, highly integrated DSP-based electronics
and a compact, light weight system.
The OTIS-14 thermal monocular provides the excellent image quality that is unaffected by lights or
shadows that seriously hamper the image quality of image intensified night vision. Total darkness,
camouflage or bright lights will not affect the sensitivity of these units.
The included and optional accessories provide for the versatility of the monocular. You can put it on a
headset or on a helmet, connected to another monocular to build a binocular system etc.
The ATN OTIS-14’s superior performance, compact size, comfort of wear and cost efficiency makes it
the perfect thermal imaging device.
o p e r a t io n
Insert the two Lithium batteries (123A type) into the unit accord-
ing to the polarity indications on the battery compartment. Press
the ON/OFF button to turn the monocular on. Remove the lens
Adjust the proper eyepiece diopter and objective lens focusing.
The rotation of the Focusing Ring changes the position of the
objective lens in respect of the receiver focal plane array. In this
way the operator can adjust the unit in order to see the targets at
various ranges with the same good contrast.
Cover protects the objective assembly from mechanical damage.
The operator can adjust the eyepiece diopter of the monocular for his/her own eyesight by rotating
Eyepiece Diopter Adjustment Ring.
Eyecup provides for the comfortable eye position and for the prevention of flash reflections onto the
operator’s face which is critical in the field and tactical activities.
Select the desired operation mode by pressing the switchboard
With the «ZOOM» button you can activate a gradual adjustment
of the digital zoom preset in the monocular adjustments.
The «POLARITY» button switches the direct display mode into
the reverse one, i.e. from hot-white/cold-black into hot-black/
cold-white mode.
Each short push of the buttons «BRIGHTNESS +» or «BRIGHT-
NESS –» raises or lowers the display brightness, correspond-
ingly, in stepwise way.
To turn the monocular off press the ON/OFF button.
s e t t in g
The working settings of this thermal monocular may be custom-
ized by means of a PC.
Install the software into the PC from the CD/DVD supplied in the
package of each OTIS-14 unit. Connect the monocular to the PC
through the included USB cable. The USB Cable is an interface
link between the thermal monocular and the external PC, and it
accepts the external power supply at the same time.
ImpoRTAnT: when the unit is to be powered with external
sources, first make sure the batteries have been taken out.
USB Connector
External Power
Supply Connector
The thermal monocular OTIS-14 can be powered either from the
included batteries or from any external source. Switch the mo-
nocular on, start the auxiliary software and introduce all the needed or desirable settings into it.
v id e o o u t p u t
The monocular incorporates a sealed Connector used for video
transmission and to connect external power sources. The pack-
age of the thermal monocular OTIS-14 includes external con-
nection Video Cable. Video Cable attaches the monocular to the
video facilities for video recording or video transmission to the
external display, though at the same time it accepts the external
power supply.
ImpoRTAnT: when the unit is to be powered with external
sources, first make sure the batteries have been taken out.
External Power
Supply Connector
Video Connector
h e a d m o u n t (o p t io n a l )
The operator can mount the monocular onto the head bracket
using any of two Mounting Rail located on the opposite sides
of the body, to be able to see through the eyepiece with his/her
right or left eye correspondingly.
To mount the OTIS-14 to a headmount, perform the following:
1. Loosen the screw (A). Push the button (B) and insert the rail of
the OTIS-14 into the socket (C) of the headset.
2. Place the headmount with OTIS-14 onto a head.
3. Loosen the screw (A) and move the unit along the rail for eye
relief adjustment.
4. The OTIS-14 headmount has a flip-up mechanism. Push the
button (D) on the side of mount and lift the unit up until the unit
fixates in the top position.
5. Push the same button (D) to lower OTIS-14 to the viewing position.
6. The OTIS-14 can be placed onto the right or left eye. In order to readjust the monocular for use with
the other eye, take the unit off the adapter, turn the unit to other side (for 180º) and mount it on the head-
mount adapter through the rail on this side. Push the button (E) and move the device along the slide-rail
(F) for comfortable position.
h e l m e n t m o u n t (o p t io n a l )
Attachment of OTIS-14 to a standard PASGT helmet. The Helmet mount fits securely onto helmet
via a rugged strapping device and grooved hooks. With helmet
mount, the OTIS-14 can be positioned directly in front of user’s
eyes or flipped up out of viewing position.
1. Install the mount onto helmet as shown on the picture.
2. Tighten and fixate the straps (A)
3. Attach the monocular to the rail.
4. Loosen screw (C). Push button (B) and insert the bracket of
the OTIS-14 into rail (D) of the helmet mount.
5. Place the helmet with OTIS-14 onto head.
6. Loosen the screw (C) and move the unit for proper eye relief
7. The OTIS-14 helmet mount has a flip-up mechanism. Push the
button (E) on the side of mount and lift the unit up until the unit fixates in the top position.
8. Push the same button (E) to lower OTIS-14 to viewing position.
9. The OTIS-14 can be placed onto the right or left eye. In order to readjust the monocular for use with
the other eye, take the unit off the headmount adapter, turn the unit to other side (for 180º) and mount it
on the adapter through the rail on this side. Push the button (E) and move the device along the slide-rail
(F) for comfortable position.
e x t e r n a l p o w e r s o u r c e
IMPORTANT: When the unit is to be powered with external sources, first make sure the batteries have
been taken out.
To connect an external power source you can use any of the cables of the monocular package. As an
external power source, a standard network controller with outer voltage of 6V and current of over 0.5A
can be applied.
Remove the protective cover off the connector input and attach the cable. To connect an external
source, we recommend you to use a 6mm standard double-pole socket in the way the positive contact
is the central contact.
w a r n in g s a n d c a u t io n s
Do noT DIsAssEmBlE ThE monoculAR.
kEEp YouR oTIs-14 sAFE FRom opERATIonAl AnD TRAnspoRTATIon ImpAcTs.
wAITIng FoR onE houR BEFoRE You swITch ThE monoculAR on Is hIghlY REcom-
mEnDABlE AFTER You BRIng IT InTo ThE wARm Room FRom ThE colDER ouTsIDE.
whEn You Do noT InTEnD To opERATE YouR monoculAR FoR 10 FollowIng DAYs wE
If you use the rubber eyecaps for a long period of time, you may suffer skin inflammation. If you develop
any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
t r o u b l e s h o o t in g
Q: The image is absent on the screen of goggles.
s: The batteries are discharged. Replace the batteries.
Q: The brightness of the image on the screen is low.
s: The batteries has a low voltage. Replace the batteries.
1 y e a r p r o d u c t w a r r a n t y
This product is guaranteed to be free from manufacturing defects in material and workmanship under
normal use for a period of 1 (one) years from the date of purchase. In the event a defect that is covered
by the foregoing warranty occurs during the applicable period stated above, ATN, at its option, will ei-
ther repair or replace the product, and such action on the part of ATN shall be the full extent of ATN’s li-
ability, and the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy. This warranty does not cover a product (a) used
in other than its normal and customary manner; (b) subjected to misuse; (c) subjected to alterations,
modifications or repairs by the Customer of by any party other than ATN without prior written consent of
ATN; (d) special order or “close-out” merchandise or merchandise sold “as-is” by either ATN or the ATN
dealer; or (e) merchandise that has been discontinued by the manufacturer and either parts or replace-
ment units are not available due to reasons beyond the control of ATN. ATN shall not be responsible for
any defects or damage that in ATN’s opinion is a result from the mishandling, abuse, misuse, improper
storage or improper operation, including use in conjunction with equipment which is electrically or
mechanically incompatible with or of inferior quality to the product, as well as failure to maintain the en-
vironmental conditions specified by the manufacturer. cusTomER Is hEREBY noTIFIED ThAT op-
ERATIon oF ThE EQuIpmEnT DuRIng DAYlIghT houRs oR unDER AnY EXcEssIVE lIghT
conDITIons mAY pERmAnEnTlY DAmAgE ThE InTERnAl componEnTs oF ThE unIT AnD
sAID DAmAgE wIll noT BE coVERED unDER ThIs wARRAnTY. This warranty is extended only
to the original purchaser. Any breach of this warranty shall be waived unless the customer notifies ATN
at the address noted below within the applicable warranty period.
The customer understands and agrees that except for the foregoing warranty, no other warranties
written or oral, statutory, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose, shall apply to the product. All such implied warranties are hereby and
expressly disclaimed.
Limitation of liability
ATN will not be liable for any claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages or liabili-
ties arising out of the use of this product. Operation and use of the product are the sole responsibility of
the Customer. ATN’s sole undertaking is limited to providing the products and services outlined herein
in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The provision of products sold and
services performed by ATN to the Customer shall not be interpreted, construed, or regarded, either
expressly or implied, as being for the benefit of or creating any obligation toward any third party of legal
entity outside ATN and the Customer; ATN’s obligations under this Agreement extend solely to the
Customer. ATn’s liability hereunder for damages, regardless of the form or action, shall not ex-
ceed the fees or other charges paid to ATn by the customer or customer’s dealer. ATn shall not,
in any event, be liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but
not limited to, lost income, lost revenue, or lost profit, whether such damages were foreseeable
or not at the time of purchase, and whether or not such damages arise out of a breach of war-
ranty, a breach of agreement, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of liability.
Product warranty registration
In order to validate the warranty on your product, ATN must receive a completed Product Warranty
Registration Card for each unit or complete warranty registration on our website at www.atncorp.com.
Please complete the included form and immediately mail it to our Service Center: ATN Corporation,
1341 San Mateo Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080.
Obtaining warranty service
To obtain warranty service on your unit, please contact our Customer Service department and request
an RMA number. Once you have received your RMA # please mark this # on the outside of the shipping
box and take or send the product, postage paid, with a copy of your sales receipt to our service center,
ATN Corporation at the address noted above. All merchandise must be fully insured with the correct
postage; ATN will not be responsible for improper postage or missing or damaged merchandise during
shipment. Packages that do not have an RMA # clearly marked on the outside of the package will be
delayed in being processedt.
For customer service and technical support, please contact
American Technologies Network Corp.
north American office
1341 San Mateo Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080
Toll Free Phone: 800-910-2862
Phone: 650-989-5100; fax: 650-875-0129
©2009 ATN Corporation
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