Product Sheet
APEX Series AX-90 Professional Keyboard Stand with Quad Pod Base, Fully-adjustable Arms, and Automotive-quality Paint Finish
Quad Pod Base
Our patented Quad Pod technology delivers an
Arms and legs
enhanced center of gravity, is tip resistant, and
in general, more stable than traditional column
keyboard stands. To add further stability, the legs are
made from super strong 6000 series aluminum and
they lock into place.
store safely inside
the column when
not in use
Sleek, New Design
Arms are height,
depth, and angle
The AX-90 is the finest looking keyboard stand on the
market. The modern look and shape of it is intended
to bring the keyboard into the spotlight. Plus, the
automotive-quality paint finish is ultra durable, will
stay looking new longer than other keyboard stands,
and is available in six hot colors.
Cable Channel
Fully-adjustable Arms
keeps cables from
getting into the way
of your performance
As the only column stand with complete ergonomic
adjustment, the AX-90 was designed for the modern
keyboard player. Both sets of arms are completely
height, depth, and angle adjustable.
Simple Setup and Tear Down
The AX-90 sets up and tears down in seconds. The
arms and legs store safely inside the AX-90 column
when not in use (so you’ll never have to worry about
losing parts again), and lock into place with very little
effort. The tiers also feature memory positions, so
your keyboards will be exactly where you want them
to be - gig after gig.
Quad Pod legs
lock into place
and deliver
superior stability
ꢀ•ꢀ ꢀAX-90Bꢀ#16761,ꢀblackꢀpearl
•ꢀ Setꢀupꢀheightꢀ52”ꢀ(1321ꢀmm)ꢀ
•ꢀ ꢀTierꢀheightꢀrangeꢀ19.25”ꢀ-ꢀ47.25”ꢀ
ꢀ (449ꢀmmꢀ-ꢀ1200ꢀmm)
•ꢀ ꢀTierꢀdepthꢀrangeꢀ17.75”ꢀ-ꢀ23.75”ꢀ
ꢀ (451ꢀmmꢀ-ꢀ603ꢀmm)
•ꢀ ꢀTierꢀangleꢀadjustabilityꢀrangeꢀhorizontal,ꢀ
ꢀ 6°,ꢀandꢀ12°ꢀupꢀ-ꢀ6°,ꢀ12°,ꢀ18°,ꢀandꢀ24°ꢀdown
•ꢀ Weightꢀ39ꢀlbs.ꢀ(17.7ꢀkg)ꢀ
AX-90 Tote Bag Included for FREE!
•ꢀ Foldedꢀlengthꢀ59”ꢀ(1499ꢀmm)
•ꢀ ꢀReinforcedꢀhandlesꢀandꢀshoulderꢀstrap
•ꢀ ꢀBuilt-inꢀmicꢀboomꢀaccessoryꢀpocket
•ꢀ ꢀ600Dꢀpolyꢀexteriorꢀconstruction
•ꢀ ꢀ20mmꢀdensityꢀfoamꢀinterior
•ꢀ Baseꢀdiameterꢀ36.5”ꢀ(927ꢀmm)
•ꢀ ꢀLoadꢀcapacityꢀupꢀtoꢀ150ꢀlbs.ꢀ(68ꢀkg)ꢀperꢀtierꢀ
•ꢀ ꢀHeavy-dutyꢀ#8ꢀzippers
R. 3, 09/07/09, 1S-ULT-AX-90W
5836 Wright Drive
Loveland, CO 80538
Phone. 1-800-525-5628
Fax. 970.776.1941
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